Monday, September 19, 2005

Learn and Get New Clients

I'm looking forward to spending tomorrow at a full-day seminar learning about stress management. Okay, so I'm not particularly stressed, but I know that I will enjoy learning new things and will pick up a few new clients while I'm there. Conferences and local seminars are great ways to pick up clients even if you're not the one giving the seminar. People are there to learn and are happy to learn about QuickBooks as well as the topic at hand. I highly recommend you go to any QuickBooks seminar in your area offered by "outsiders" such as Real World Training. Not only will you pick up some QuickBooks tips, but you should get A LOT of clients since the seminar just whets their appetite for more QB knowledge, and Real World Training can't follow up on a personal basis. When I went to a Real World Training two-day workshop, they let me leave my business cards (those precious little advertisements) on their table so people could take them with their workshop materials. Give lots of free advice while you're there!

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