Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Treo becomes laptop

If you're going to be an efficient consultant, you need to be able to track time and consulting notes. The Treo 600 is the most awesome smartphone out there. A long time ago, I actually lugged a paper calendar around with me and wrote in my client times for billing and made appointments. Once in awhile I double-booked myself. I graduated to a Personal Palm Pilot (remember those?) and a cell phone and literally had my hands full. The day I got my Treo 600 was a day of beautiful synchronization. Find the number, and press it to call. A typical day of data flow is so easy: park at client, open QBMobile (now PocketBooks at and enter client name, start timer, serve client, get back into car, stop timer, enter notes of visit to be poured into invoice, go to next client and repeat, get back to office, hot sync Treo to desktop, import QBMobile info into QB, pour info into invoice, print and mail. The beauty of single data entry at its ultimate.


Anonymous said...

Hey Phyllis- so you confirm my suspicion that the Treo is the way to go - can you elaborate a little on QBMobile- since I am assuming it is not named for the great port City of Alabama!

Bruce in Birmingham

reality check said...

Without a doubt, I depend more on my Treo 600 than even my computer these days. Now there's the BlueTooth enabled Treo 650, but I've attached a BT adaptor to my 600 and it works like a charm for my wireless headset. QBMobile is a third party program for Palm OS which allows one to do many of the QB functions and then import into QB.

The latest, more robust, version is PocketBooks, but it had bugs early on so I went back to the tried and true. They assure me the bugs are worked out. PocketBooks supposedly syncs with QB automatically instead of the manual export/import that I still do. I bought it mainly for the use of the timer function, however I understand that you can also create invoices, bills, change inventory, etc. A very good little third-party program! Find them at

Anonymous said...

Hi Phyllis, I'm the GM for QuickBooks Online Edition. I'm also leading our QuickBooks COmmunity Project for which you've graciously worked on via our Ask the Expert series.

I would like to congratulate you on this very nice and honest blog you've set-up.

We've been blogging for a year now and it's been a terrific tool to help us build relationships with our clients. So I encourage you to keep at this.

You'll see it's not so easy - it takes awhile for you to get into the groove of blogging and then, more time to build an audience of people who regularly return to read about what you have to say.

I'd be happy to spend some time discussing with you any tips/techniques I've picked up. Drop me an email using the regular intuit email convention.

Happy Blogging!
Paul Rosenfeld

Anonymous said...

You have done a great job on setting up your Blog. Your site will definately be bookmarked.

I am in the process of setting up a mobile cellular phone
site. It's basically a resource site which covers mobile cellular phone
related stuff.

Please let me know what you think if you have time to check it out.

Mercie Dahlgren said...

This is great news!!! We are looking at the Palm Treo 680 at this time. I was using a Palm Pilot (don't laugh :))) and a cell phone. We are looking at other smart phones as well (Blackberry Pearl and Blackjack). The QBMobil should work on any of these. However, just knowing it works on the earlier Treo's should be an indication that it will work on the 680. Right? Anybody have any info on this. The fact that it works on a Treo just might seal the deal!!!

Mercie Dahlgren

reality check said...

QBMobile is now PocketBooks and will work like a charm on any Palm OS system. It synchs automatically with QuickBooks 2007 and I still swear by it. I'm looking at the new Treo's too. Let me know...

Nilesh Jethwa said...

Would it be possible to review the Quickbooks Dashboard and share your opinion

I think this would be a very useful tool for Quickbook users and can save them lot of time from running various reports

Thanks and Regards