Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Pricing for Optimization

This is the last of my pricing suggestions. Once you've become somewhat of an expert in QuickBooks and you've specialized in a certain aspect of QB or a certain type of business, you should be getting more business than you can handle. It's time to adjust your prices to weed out some unwanted clients and optimize your dollar return on time spent. Calculate your desired (be reasonable) annual salary and divide that by 52 and the total number of billable hours you will schedule every week. For example, if you want to make $65,000 a year and schedule 16 billable hours a week, then you should charge $78 per hour. Remember that you will be working more than 16 hours a week, however your main income comes from billable hours. Of course, this depends on making sure you meet those 16 billable hours a week. $78/hr is not an unreasonable price to charge and your serious clients will realize this (general computer consultants usually charge more than this per hour). You may want to gradually increase your price to your target price so you don't lose some of your favorite clients by giving them a 1-yr discount as a thank you for their past business.

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