Friday, May 30, 2008

False Advertising by ProAdvisors

I was reading the local newspaper yesterday and came upon a 1/4-page ad by a person touting that she was a "Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor". I can count the number of local Certified ProAdvisors on my fingers and all are either CPA firms or bookkeepers which do not compete with my focus of setup, training & troubleshooting. This was a new name so I went to Intuit's Referral Database and found that indeed she was not listed. Since I try to assume the best, I will not mention her name here. Maybe she just didn't understand the rules. I think the rules are that you cannot advertise as 'certified' unless you have passed the certification exam and appear on the referral database (i.e. you had to have passed the exam in the last two years), but some people may think you can advertise as 'certified' if you simply pay the annual fee. This is the way it was before certification existed. Most QB users don't know enough to visit the referral database to check credentials so this is truly false advertising. Maybe Intuit needs to clarify this in the member packet. Maybe they already have and I just missed it?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

PocketBooks for QuickBooks and Treo

Now that the busy season is over and I once again have some time on my hands, I've decided to follow up on an old but important topic: QuickBooks Add-Ons. There are lots of third party programs out there that 'integrate' with QB and I have tried quite a few. I need to learn what's best and worst out there instead of trying everything myself. So hopefully you can help me out by posting your experiences. Right now I have upgraded my consulting system to include a Treo 680 running PocketBooks. It is AWESOME! I've set up clients on other timer programs which must be manually synced with QB. PocketBooks really does sync automatically (as long as you have your QB file open when you sync). And I love to be able to walk into a client and look up their past due balance on my phone. They are so impressed that I actually get paid! ;) I've added another core Treo program called BugMe! It allows me to hand-write a note on my Treo (like a Post-It) and, before saving it, I can set an alarm time. I set the alarm for when I'm in my office and the note pops up saying "Email website link to client" or whatever I promised the client (or myself!). I digress since BugMe! is not a QB add-on, but let's talk anyway.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

2008 Advanced Certification Testing

So who's tried taking Intuit's new Advanced Certification test? Personally, they've got to be joking! First, you have to download 11 QuickBooks files to your computer and restore them each to answer the appropriate question. If this doesn't take enough time, then you are supposed to troubleshoot and or manipulate the files without giving any thought to the way the file should be set up in the first place. I would open a file and find myself cleaning and organizing even before reading the question. Oops - I wasn't supposed to do that. There are supposed to be discrepancies in some places and you must ignore any others. It's like giving financials to 10 accountants and telling them that there is only one correct tax return. So if you spend the time to open a file, try to ignore all the implied and ignored issues in a question and then spend the time typing in the answers (yes, type in the EOY GJE and type in the Reversing entry), then you really must not be seeing many clients. For those of you who have made the effort to do all of this to pass the exam, I am impressed and I have some clients for you.